Governance and Oversight:
o Contribute to setting the strategic vision and long-term goals of Re-Imagine Ontario.
o Ensure the organization\'s financial health by reviewing budgets, financial statements, and operational plans.
o Oversee the performance of the Executive Director and provide support, guidance, and feedback.
o Monitor the organization’s adherence to its mission, policies, and legal regulations.
Advocacy and Leadership:
o Serve as an ambassador for Re-Imagine Ontario, promoting its work and mission to stakeholders, funders, and the broader community.
o Advocate for policy changes that support the rights and inclusion of vulnerable individuals.
o Engage in discussions and decision-making that advances Re-Imagine Ontario’s impact across Ontario.
Fundraising and Development:
o Support fundraising efforts by identifying potential donors, securing funding, and participating in donor stewardship.
o Contribute to developing a sustainable financial model through partnerships, sponsorships, and grants.
o Make a personal financial contribution that is meaningful to you and appropriate for your capacity.
Board Participation:
o Attend and actively participate in regular board meetings (typically quarterly) and special committee meetings.
o Serve on at least one board committee (e.g., Finance, Governance, Fundraising as examples) to provide specific expertise and oversight.
o Review meeting materials in advance and be prepared to engage in informed discussions.
o Participate in organizational events, strategic planning sessions, and annual evaluations.